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Our Parent Teacher Associations in the College provide support to our students and their education.

The Alexandra College Association (ACA)

The quintessential goal of the ACA is to reinforce the support Alexandra College provides for our students to flourish in the next step of their educational journey.

Membership is open to all parents and active membership is welcomed and encouraged. The Association is governed by a written constitution and an Annual General Meeting is held each year. 

The work of the Association is coordinated by a committee of volunteer parents including class representatives (2 per class) as well as teacher representatives.

JACA: The Alexandra College Junior School Association of Parents and Teachers 

The primary goal of JACA is to support the school in providing an environment in which each of our girls can thrive and strive for all that they imagine they could be.  Membership is open to all parents and active membership is welcomed and encouraged. The association is governed by a written constitution and an Annual General Meeting is held each year.

The JACA Committee

The work of the association is coordinated by a committee of volunteer parents comprising of a chairperson, treasurer, secretary, class representatives (2 per class), Head of the Junior School and a teacher representative.

The committee meets monthly, working together throughout the school year to organise and support key fundraising activities for the Junior School, including:

  • Annual Christmas Gift and Christmas Cards
  • Toy & Book Fair
  • Easter Cake Sale
  • Annual Social Fundraising Dinner/JACA Auction

The funds raised from these activities enable JACA to support the Junior School in the provision of a high standard of educational, intellectual and social development for the girls.

How to Get Involved

The success of JACA is only possible with the unfailing support, which we receive from the parents, guardians and school staff who make up our wider membership.

You can help support JACA in a number of ways; by nominating to be a class representative, volunteering at JACA events, donating a prize for the girls annual Christmas raffle and donating a prize for the annual fundraising event.

Get in Touch

You can contact the committee directly at

A girl in a red jacket raises her hand while sitting at a desk in a classroom.