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JS Sports Update

JS Sports Update

AIJS Volleyball Tournament

Following our active assembly on Monday morning, our two intrepid volleyball squads made their way to Teresians to compete in the inaugural AIJS volleyball tournament. This year, the girls have been working hard on their techniques and skills to play volleyball. The girls played in a round robin format and both squads were excited and delighted to represent our school in this tournament. As the girls got involved in the matches, although competitive, they all had a lot of fun playing the different school teams, some of whom had mixed squads. It was great to see all playing with a common purpose. Well played everyone. A special mention goes to Rachel who was presented with an outstanding player medal. Many congratulations Rachel, a wonderfully deserved honour.

Results are as follows:

1st     Castle Park 

2nd    Sutton Park 

3rd     Saint Andrews 

4th     Alexandra College Junior School 

5th     Teresians 

6th     Loreto on the Green 

All schools had two teams entered and played in different sections.Thanks go to the hosting school Teresians who organised this fun event and who also treated us to delicious refreshments at lunchtime, a tasty surprise indeed! Our girls came in fourth place overall. Quite an achievement as the standard of play was very high. Well done to you all!

J5 Basketball Afternoon in Teresians

Both squads played in a fun afternoon tournament where exciting skills were shown by both schools. Although the matches were played at great speed, the hoops were having a very busy time capturing the basketball shots. Overall both teams had an enjoyable experience playing in an away match. Well done to you all!