J2 Drama Showcase
From Monday to Friday this week, twenty-five Speech and Drama/Public Speaking classes from J2–J6 presented scenes they have been working on in class. These short scenes were an opportunity for each class group to work together and to devise their very own scene inspired by a specific title.
In class, the girls were practising team-work, the sharing of ideas, listening to one another, stagecraft, improvisation, voice projection and the importance of rehearsal. On the day of each presentation, all students could choose a costume to wear and use props to add even more colour to their scenes!
Our TY drama reps were, as always, a wonderful help. They welcomed everyone to our lunchtime showings and were on hand to help with costumes and props.
Congratulations to all students for their engagement, concentration and focused work when preparing their scene in class and when performing it before an audience. We hope you enjoyed the experience!
Ms Quinn and Ms Crowley