Each month, the Alumna Spotlight highlights the journeys of Alex Alumnae, showcasing their achievements and the impact their experiences at Alex have had on their careers and lives. This month we are delighted to feature Fiona Gallagher, Alex Class of 1993 and CEO of Wells Fargo Bank International, International Head of Commercial Banking.
What were your career aspirations while still at school?
I was a boarder as my parents lived abroad, and as a result, I was very focused on a career that would enable me to travel. We also did a huge amount of debating which made me think about becoming a lawyer.
What led you to pursue your current career?
I read a brilliant book called Liar’s Poker, which brought to life working on a bank trading floor in New York. Once I read that, I was hooked! And 25 years later, I’m still fascinated.
How did your time at Alex influence your path?
We were an exceptionally close and competitive year. We really encouraged and drove each other forward. Over 30 years later, I am delighted to say that many of my closest friends are from Alex, even after 19 years of living around the world.
The teaching staff also encouraged us to be incredibly ambitious. I have worked in New York, London and Dublin and travelled across the world, full of confidence that I could do anything thanks to a great foundation at home and school.
What has been the highlight of your career to date?
Getting my role as CEO of Wells Fargo Bank International. It was a huge step up, and I was thrilled. Following this, I was named one of the top women in finance in 2024 for the third year in a row. I have also been lucky enough to be appointed to the Gate Theatre Board, which is incredibly interesting.
What advice would you give your schoolgirl self?
Take risks and say yes. Jump at all the opportunities you are given. Then network up a storm and make sure you are always learning. And be kinder to yourself. Everyone has something they are insecure about. Don’t worry so much!